love. LIFE.

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Entries in Lifestyle Portraits (102)


Posted on Sunday, November 9, 2008 at 09:04PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , , | Comments10 Comments


206 pieces of candy.

I'm a little behind on the fun stuff we've been doing here in South Carolina...I can't wait to blog about so much once I get back from Love Affair!

So...we did actually go out trick-or-treating.  I know that my kids thought is was up for debate whether, if ever, we would really go pound the pavement and get a boatload of candy.  We did...206 pieces of candy for each person to be exact.

Every year my kids decide what they want to be and then put together their costumes with stuff around the house.  I think it's really fun to see what they come up with.  This year Emmett decided to be a mad scientist and his costume was hilarious.  He made his hair pretty wild with gel and made his face look like an experiment had blown up in his face.  My very favorite part of his costume has to be the swimming goggles, though.  They totally make the costume!

For the first time...I think, in their entire lives, Miriam and Emma wore the same thing.  I was totally surprised when they said they both wanted to be witches.  Even though they are both witches, it's hard to see, but their costumes are different from each other.  This was also the first year we went out and found costumes at the store for the two of them...not sure we'll be doing that again next year.  Their creative take on costumes from things around the house are way too fun.

Gracie was a princess and she talked Miriam into letting her use the princess costume she got for Christmas.  Gracie made it extra fancy with her jeans that have pink flowers on them, a long sleeved pink shirt, her pink tennis shoes, and a gorgeous crown, necklace, and ring. 

The second the girls arrived home from school they put their costumes on.  By the time Emmett stepped off the bus 20 minutes later they were ready to go around the neighborhood yelling trick-or-treat.  The wait just about killed them, thankfully they made it through the torturous experience.

After going through almost 2/3 of the neighborhood the girls decided to call it quits.  I think the newest thing about this year was that Emmett went trick-or-treating with his friends.  Is he really that old?  Am I really ready for this?  We missed him but I was so glad to have him back with us at the end of the night when all of the kids sat around counting their candy and then dividing it into organized piles of candy by varieties, and then finding new ways to divide their spoils. 

It's amazing that such a simple night can be a favorite of the year.  Just dress up, go from house to house, get candy, come home count it and divide it, and then collapse from exhaustion on the couch.  There's not much more a kid can ask for when they dream of the perfect night.

I'm glad I got to be here for it.

dream. LIFE.

**and yes, that blue color is one of the walls of my new studio...


1 year. Jacob.

Posted on Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 11:06AM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments4 Comments

so quickly.

He came out of the house and hesitantly and with great effort walked down the steps.  As soon as he hit the pavement we was off and running.

I met sweet Jacob about 6 weeks after he was born.  We had fun getting some pictures of him trying to lift his head and seeing how adoring his parents were of him.  Around the time he was 6 months I got to see him exploring his little world and trying to stand up, banging on things, eating in his high chair, and loving the sound of his  own voice.

When I saw him at this session I was so surprised at how big he is!  He's really about 15 months now but I'm always surprised when I get to the last session of our "Baby's First Year" package.  It's crazy how quickly a newborn grows into a little explorer and then into an adventurer.

Jacob didn't have time to hold still...not for a second.  He was very busy...too busy for sitting still, hugs, looking at anything for longer than a milisecond, or anything that wasn't his idea.  He had a plan...a plan to see and do as much as possible in every minute. 

For the first little while I was there he was loving the rocks in his new front yard.  He carried one or two around for a long time.  He would pretend to hand them to you and then decide they were too precious to give away to anyone.  You could look, just don't touch, and definitely don't take it away.  He didn't abandon his rock until long after we had gone inside the house.

He showed my his dogs, his motor car, his books (which he did sit still for but it had to be HIS choice of book), his big chair, and how cool his parents were. 

He loves being outside, playing in leaves, seeing how fast he can run away from his parents and then be caught by them.  By the time we did everything he loves he was pretty tired.

I've had so much fun watching Jacob grow.  His big efforts at independence and being grown up are so much a part of being one and I love seeing him trying everything he can to taste that new flavor of fun.  His world is so wonderful and full of experiences, color, new things, and excitement.  He's not going to miss any of it.

What a fun day!

great. LIFE.

johanna. jeremy.

Posted on Friday, October 31, 2008 at 02:58PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments2 Comments

apples. bikes.

I know...that sounds like it's the first day of school. Really, it's Johanna and Jeremy hanging out together...and it feels like you are hanging out with a couple of kids.  They are so relaxed, full of fun, and acceptance.  There's no worrying about what someone else might think of's all right there.

Every time I spend time with Johanna and Jeremy the time just flies by so quickly.  We end up talking about anything and everything and before we know it we've been gabbing for  hours. 

I'm so grateful that for a brief time...too brief...I got to see Johanna, work with her, and have her in my life.  I miss her and I miss sitting around chatting while time passed us by (now, we've both moved to opposite sides of the country...she to California and me to South Carolina).

I miss you!

blessed. LIFE.


harward. family.

Posted on Thursday, October 30, 2008 at 10:11PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments4 Comments



It's Stef's birthday today so I wanted to make sure that I got these pictures posted for her! I had such a fun time with Stef and her little family. When I arrived we started off chatting. We had already talked about some fun ideas I had from reading their questionnaire, I always like hanging out a little before I start shooting.

It's so obvious how much everyone in this family loves each other. They were so excited to get to be together and it shows. Stefanie's husband Jerry plays chess with his kids...four games at once! He does it for a challenge, going from game to game making his moves. The kids love it! Each member of this sweet little family cares about all the others and there is such a spirit of love, fun, and acceptance in their home. It was a blessing to be with them.

We played with the horses, climbed mounds of dirt, sat by Grandma's roses, baked cookies, and read scriptures. Also, Sarah loves to have her hair played with...just like me. I can feel that look of being in heaven on her face.

Thank you, Stef, for letting me come and spend time with your family.

I miss you...Have a fabulous birthday!

sweet. LIFE.


Posted on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 09:24PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , | Comments3 Comments


family time.

I have been looking forward to having a chance to hang out with Saylor and her family for quite a while.  Our schedules finally matched up just before I left Utah and I'm so glad.

The relationship between Saylor and her dad, Nate, is fun, encouraging, and silly.  They love to laugh together and he loves to push her to try just a little harder.  Saylor has had a few setbacks with being able to walk since her last set of casts.  She decided to try and walk while I was there with out any help and her dad encouraged her through every step on the back porch until she made it to him on the hammock.

Saylor really doesn't let anything stop her.  She jumped like a monkey on the trampoline and then raced along the ramp (given to her as a gift from a cement company) like she was in the Indy 500, and then climbed the stairs faster than I can walk them.  She is brave in the face of things most adults would definitely be woosie over and has a bit of mischief in her eyes.

It's been such a gift to get to be with Saylor and Audrey.  I've seen some of the sacrifices, patience, and love that goes into their sweet relationship.  Now, to see how all of that translates over with Saylor's dad and her brother (Stockton) and sister  (Storie) was such a gift.  

Saylor has been through a lot...and none of it would have been possible without her sweet family.

Read more about them here.

family. LOVE.