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Entries in Lifestyle Portraits (102)
Sunshine and happiness: Rock Hill, SC photographer
sneak peek.
Brooke is just beautiful and her smile just lights up her whole face. It was so fun to hang out with Brooke and her mom and sister. Her little sister was brimming with ideas for Brooke's session and so we had to make sure she was in a couple (you'll see Brooke's sister later...).
We did some fun stuff by their gorgeous pool, went to a grove of trees where we the light was heavenly, and then went to a red trash bin and Brooke showed me her volleyball moves. Obviously, all of that wouldn't fit into this little sneak til next time...
fun. LIFE.
**Is anyone having trouble seeing the pictures in this post? I can see them on my mac but not on my pc...weird.
Guitars and Grass: Charlotte, NC Family Photographer
sneak peek.
I got to see a jammin' guitar solo (you'll get to see it soon) with this little guy. He was workin' those chords like crazy! We ran in circles around the inside of the house and then saw that the day might give us some pretty light.
We blew bubbles and bubbles and bubbles while we sat and gabbed on a blanket on the grass. A wonderful way to spend the morning...
And Angie even made me my first ever scones...delish!
Thanks for a delightful way to start the day, friends.
beautiful. LIFE.
Popcorn and Bubbles: Belmont, NC Family Photographer
sneak peek.
We did all kinds of fun stuff for this session...we ate popcorn, blew bubbles, read books, listened to a rockstar, made faces, rode'll get to see all of that soon.
What I really loved was the time this sweet family all sat together on the couch. We got so many great images but this one is so funny! I'm not sure when it happens...but it happens to all kids...they think seeing their parents kiss is about the grossest thing their eyes could possibly have to behold...and so they try not to look...and it all has to be done with great girls have reached this age.
And then at the end of the session everyone was winding down and climbed into bed with mom...these moments are so lovely.
It's a lucky thing to get to hang out with these sweet families...
beautiful. LIFE.
Jumping and Dancing: Belmont, NC Family Photographer

sneak peek.
From the very start we had music playing and twirling and spinning...on the stage (or bed...depends on whether you're using your imagination or not).
I got to see amazing lego architecture that came in the form of trucks, cars, airplanes, and other creative inventions put together by three generations of boys.
And then we discovered that you can almost touch the sky when you jump off the front room sofa...and there are lots of flowers that are ready to be picked and made into beautiful bouquets for your mom on a walk downtown.
There's fun to be had in the everyday.
discover. LIFE.

belmont ballet: sneak peek.
Emma's ballet school, The Belmont School of Ballet, is getting ready for the Royal Dance Academy Exams, Hansel and Gretel, and many of the school's dancers are also going to be in the full ballet of Alice in Wonderland.
Coming up soon, I'll be posting some images of their daily dancing...
To see belmont ballet images click here.
dance. LIFE.