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Where are you, Davina?

Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 11:54AM by Registered CommenterDavina | Comments6 Comments | References4 References

it's been awhile. 

I have a feeling that you've noticed I've been a bit missing in action.

Even though I've been a pretty lame blogger lately, thank you so much for sticking with me and checking in here.  I'm grateful for you.

There are lots of reasons I've been out of the blogging loop...

the kids are out of school (yours probably are too, right?)

it's summer and I'm getting caught up in having fun

I've been picking sunflowers and strawberries and blueberries (is there anything that says summer better than just picked fresh berries? I think not)

I visited a friend (Millie...gotta love her!)

Mike had surgery (that went well. yay!)

all kinds of stuff...

And then there's that one thing.

I'm working on a new blogsite!!! 


It's been a crazy ride that's led to something completely new...scary, fun, thrilling, crazy, not sure one minute, can't wait to share the next minute, kind of crazy roller coaster ride.

If it was just a blog or just a website or even just a blogsite that would be one thing but it's so much more than just those things.  It's a new way of doing things here in life, in business, and a combination of the the two, with a focus that is so inspiring that it's been pretty difficult to keep under wraps.

So...for those who want the behind the scenes about what's been going on you can sign up to get a special peek into what's been going on in my brain, what I've been working on, the things that are kind of freaking me out, the ideas that I am super pumped about, the next steps, the inside scoop on when the launch will be, and all of that raw hubbub that's going on in my brain.  I won't be posting on this blog until the launch.

At this point, I'm not sure when everything is going to come together.  There are so many great things happening!  I'd like to launch but I know that it needs to be to the point where I'm not thinking that I'll finish once the site is up (which I've definitely thought a couple of times because I'm so excited about this new idea and direction) but having it all pulled together first is super important because if it's not done before the big day...when will it get done?  It won't.  Who's with me on that one?

**If you're viewing this in an rss feed you may need to go to the blog post to sign up.

Get all of the brainy nitty gritty (said in my best Nacho Libre voice) here:


References (4)

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Reader Comments (6)

sounds intriguing ...can't wait to hear all about it ;)
happy summer !

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterterri

Congratulations and can't wait to hear all your news!
From your friend who met you on your blog. :)

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Missed you. Exciting good things to come it sounds like. Glad family is doing well. Happy Summer.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbecky

Terri, Thank you! There are so many things to think about when doing someothing with a completley different feel. I appreciate your excitement. It gives me courage. :)

Laura, you are my friend that I met on my blog! :) I'm glad you knew it was you...

Becky, You are such a loyal friend. I've really missed blogging. And now that I've posted that I won't be blogging until I launch my new blog I miss it even more!!

June 23, 2011 | Registered CommenterDavina

Missed you lots and lots!!!!!!!!

June 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Your post is well detailed and well understood. Of a truth, there are many of the points mentioned above am coming across for the first time but I clearly understand it. I hope someday you'll continue posting.

January 23, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterMumbai to Goa cab hire

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