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My Favorite time of the Night.

Posted on Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 09:52PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments10 Comments | References1 Reference


perfect hour of the day.

Nights can be a chaotic, crazy time.  Hopefully, before dinner, the house was straightened up and we've had a pretty calm dinner discussing the best and the worst of the day.   Then it's time to get into pjs, brush teeth, have a scripture story, song, and prayer.  I love all of this time.  So much of the evening ends up being a time to get things done.  So by the time the time everyone is in their pjs and we've had our devotional time we're all feeling a little more calm.

About that time we start reading...and it feels...magical.

Right now we're reading "The Giver" by Lois Lowry.  If you've not read this book, it's amazing.  The thing about reading outloud to the kids when everyone is settled into their beds is the opportunity we get to talk about all kinds of things.  Books bring up topics that you may not think to talk about in normal every day life.  I also love that it gives us a chance to go into more depth about things we have talked about before.

This book is about a community that believes it's achieved the perfect society.  In order to arrive at this perfection they've had to make sure everything is the same, no differences, only 'sameness'.  What that means is completely surprising.

Every time the kids find out about something that is missing from this 'perfect' community they are shocked to find that such a simple joy or pain doesn't exist for them.  It has given us all a new appreciation for seemingly little, wonderful things around us...sunshine, red apples, beautiful fabric, snow, eyes, the wonder of being a teenager, family, and love.

All of my kids get nestled into their beds and I sit and read.  Occassionally all of their heads will pop up at the same time to say, "No way!" Other times, everyone will be very quiet, feeling every word that I read, holding on to every emotion that a character is feeling.  I love how invested they get into the characters.  Often they will come up to me in the middle of the day and wonder what is going to happen next and say that they can't wait to read again tonight to find out what is going to happen. There have been times when they will bring me the book in the middle of the day and say, "Please read right now.  We have to know what happens to Jonas..."

There are nights that we end up reading really late because every time I say, "And we'll stop there for tonight."  The kids all say in unison, "No!  One more chapter."

Other nights, we'll get to the end of reading and a couple of the kids will have dozed off taking the characters in the book with them as they drift into dreamland.

It's my favorite hour or so of the day.  Faces intent, perplexed, joyous, excited, worried...and then quiet...sweet quiet in the place between awakeness and sleeping.

Once the book is over, as most of you know who follow my blog, I get to lay in the peaceful dark and talk to each of my kids individually.  I listen to their day, their little secrets, their moments that they've saved out from the day until now to share...it's a peaceful, wonderful bliss.

And the perfect way to end any day.

sweet. LIFE.


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Reader Comments (10)

What a beautiful way to end the day. Wishing we had of done that with our kids more ... Sounds like a great book.

January 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbecky & cricket


Just wanted to wish you a happy and meaningful new year. Last year was a memorable one for me. You were very much an important part of it because you captured so many of the beautiful moments. I was impressed with your talent from the first moment I visited your website. I was blown away by your eye for beauty, fun, and emotion during your shoots with Liberty and Nick. I am enamored with your passion for life and meaning. And I am aspiring of the life you lead and the example you set.

Thank you for being part of our lives. Enjoy!Life!

January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJuli Tatafu

Hi Davina!

I have a great bedtime story for you and your kids. It's called The Knight in Rusty Armor by Robert Fisher. It's a simple story with so many deep underlying metaphors for life. Your kids will like the story, and you will like the metaphors. It's a great read!

January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRebekah W

Sounds like a very interesting book. I read to my 6 yr old all the time, but it's been a while since I've read aloud to my older children as well....this sounds like the perfect book to begin again....thanks for sharing!!

January 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChantal

I love that you share so much of your life and love of being a mother and wife! Thank you so much. It is a great encouragement to me!

January 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRyel j

"You Facinate Me..."

January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Becky, thank you! You have such a beautiful relationship with your daughter. I love it!

Juli, you have absolutely made my night, my week. I feel like we've become friends over the last year. I'm so thrilled to read this and know that you feel the same way. It has been a joy to be part of your lives. Liberty and Nick are such a unique and full of life couple. Thank you so much for your tender comment. I so appreciate it!

Rebekah, I just told my kids tonight at dinner that they have to check their school libraries for that book tomorrow! You've got me totally curious. I can't wait to read that book!

Chantal, another perfect book for a 6 year old is "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane." It's a chapter book that is an easy and quick read. It's great for getting kids hooked into reading outloud, I think! Good luck and let me know how it goes!

Ryel, thank you for enjoying what I post. I'm so grateful to hear that!

Mike, :) I love you.

January 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

Oh I came back today to see what cuteness you and the kiddos got into! I can't wait to see more of these self portraits! I love the idea!

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Hey Amy! I just posted another one. My little miss G is totally sick and so I didn't get it posted until much later than I had hoped....

January 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

I really,really,really,really,really,really fun

readingThe Giver!(IT REALLY WAS!)

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMiriam

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