love. LIFE.

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Entries from September 1, 2010 - September 30, 2010

Those eyes!

Posted on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 10:30PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments4 Comments


what can I say?


I think she's beautiful and amazing and hilarious and off the wall and crazy and smart and a wildly good reader. 

I'm a bit biased. 

I love her.


beyond wonderful. LIFE.


I'm 40!

Posted on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 12:30AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments11 Comments


it's my party!

Before I left for Love Affair Workshop Mike and the kids made big plans for my birthday.  They decided that it would be best and the most fun if they put together a little 70s party (the  year I was born).  

When I walked in the door (after I heard a lot of clomping and whispering and craziness) the BeeGees were playing, a disco ball lit up the room with colors going wild all over the walls, my kids dressed in their best rendition of 70s giddup, and dancing with great John Travolta moves.  I couldn't have asked for a better start to my big birthday.

As soon as I came in the house they kids gave me a treasure map to follow.  It led me outside 30 steps this way, 15 steps this way, X marks the spot.  They gave me a shovel and I dug up treasure.

And really.  It is treasure.  Inside the box was a sweet note from each of my kids and Mike and my thoughtful parents that included a list of 10 things they love about me.  It was wonderful.

We danced, ate cake, ate dinner, and so many other fun things all day. 

My birthday was fun and creative and thoughtful and perfectly the way I had hoped it would be.

Thank you to my perfect-for-me little family.


birthday. LOVE.


September 11th. In Memory.

Posted on Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 11:18PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments1 Comment


jumps and cheers: sneak peek

Posted on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 04:58PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments1 Comment

sneak peek.

There was no cheerleading practice for Mallory the day we had our photo shoot but I think she may have felt like she got one in anyway!

This girl can jump and tuck and spin and do things with her body that are just incredible.  I would definitely break myself...

So beautiful!

fun. LIFE.


Legos and Blue Hair.

Posted on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 06:58AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | CommentsPost a Comment



big fan.

When I walked into this family's home I knew they were a great family.  There's a wonderful feeling of love and kindness that pervades every nook and cranny.  

There are always lots of hugs and kisses and each of the parents spend valued time with each of their kids.  Dad and son and Grandpa love to build all kinds of lego ships and buildings.  They're huge Tarheels fans and they want their alligence to never be doubted. :)

Fun times.  i loved getting to hang out with this sweet family.  

beautiful. LIFE.