love. LIFE.

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If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page.  I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!!  Click here to see the new site!

    LOVE. LIFE. TIPS.  These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here)  Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here)

My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago).  You need this guide!


Easy as Pie.  Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link)

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Entries from November 1, 2010 - November 30, 2010

Grace as Junie B. Jones

Posted on Thursday, November 4, 2010 at 08:27AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments10 Comments


Grace is a reading maniac.  Can't get enough.  Loves to read everything in sight. 

Junie B. Jones especially.

She's a crazy girl that Junie B. Jones.  Unpredictable and nutty.

At school they had a 'dress-up-as-your-favorite-character-day'.

Gracie was Junie.

In every way.

mania. LIFE.

Women and Business: Kelley of Kelley-Photo

Posted on Thursday, November 4, 2010 at 06:11AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments2 Comments

**all images in this post copyright: Kelley of Kelly-Photo **

{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at }

As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as i do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...

NEXT WEEK:  Justine Ungaro

You can check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!

Kelley, Your interview makes me wish I lived next door to you as I'm sure many other people will feel the same way.  You've got an easiness about you and about your work that has been one of your keys to success.  You've been through so much in the last 6 years...getting a brand new business off the ground, getting so busy that you did nothing but shoot and edit, and now, you've found a great boudaries that you work for you and give you time to do what you love both in business and relationships. In so many ways you embody the whole idea of this series. Thanks so much for being on Women and Business today.

You started off as a graphic designer.  What drew you to photography?
I always knew I wanted to own my own art-related business, and I love the influence graphic designers can have via their art. I was really drawn to it and still love it, but during my second semester I took a Photo I elective and it was all over from there! I became completely obsessed with photography and the amazing things that can be created with a camera. I loved the darkroom and everything about cameras, so from there it was an easy choice!!

How do you think graphic design has helped/influenced your work?
I think the two are naturally intertwined and complementary. I’ve done a lot of my own logo, printed material & web design (well, pretty much all of it, up till my most recent years’ website/blog design). I’m so in love with really great design – be it printed, environmental, interior, fashion, or photographic!

How long have you been a professional photographer?
I started my business a year after my first Photo I class – January 2005. So we’re almost 6 years old now…so crazy!

You have a very editorial fashion feel to your work.  Where do you look for creative inspiration?
Thank you! I look everywhere for inspiration. I used to be a big blog stalker, but honestly I’ve found that looking too much at other photographers’ work (who do portraits/weddings especially) is detrimental to my own. There are so many really amazing photographers out there and it’s easy for me to do the “ahhh, everyone is so much more talented than me...” routine, which doesn’t help anyone :). I do love magazines of all sort. Elle is one of my favorites, along with Boho, Lulu, Whole Living, & Natural Health, actually…

Are you in a retail space or home studio?  What made you make your choice on space?
Both! I’ve actually had three studio spaces at this point, and really love my current one. I share space with three other awesome photographers now in the KC City Market area. It’s a great location for shooting, is centrally located in the city, and there’s a ton of amazing food around :). Lately I’ve spent a lot more time working from home (which is about 40 minutes outside of KC in the country). My husband and I have 10 acres and it’s just beautiful for shooting! Admittedly, saving on gas is nice too!

You have your clients doing some crazy cool things.  What do you do to help your clients be so comfortable with you during a photo shoot?
Thanks! Frankly, I’m a big dork, and I think that helps loosen up my clients. I approach them all as new friends and love getting to know them and bring out their personalities. We spend a lot of time chatting and getting to know each other during the shoot, and I think it’s super important to shoot just one on one (no parents, friends, etc. allowed during the shooting). Most of my clients come via word of mouth too, so I think they kind of know what to expect by the time the get to me.

What do you do for fun...that has nothing to do with photography?
This year I’ve been weirdly domesticated actually. I had a great garden and have been really into cooking. I love to make things from scratch. My hubs and I also have a couple of horses we like to ride and dogs we like to play with. This winter I’m planning on learning to knit, crochet, and possibly embroider before my new baby arrives in April!


What do you do to keep your marriage fun?
Well first off, I have an amazing husband :). I really like him and he’s very sweet and thoughtful. We’ve been together since I was sixteen and known each other since I was six, so there’s a lot of history there. We laugh together a lot and try to spend as much together-time as possible. We love to see plays and eat great food, and love to work on projects around our house.  We also spend a lot of time with our friends and family, which I think is great!

All of your clients dress so perfectly.  Do you have a stylist or are your clients just that uber cool?
They really are pretty cool! :) I do sometimes work with hair/makeup stylists, but as far as clothing/accessories goes I usually just collaborate with them. I tell my clients to bring as much as they’d like and I’ll help play Barbie. It’s always so fun to put together a few of their own pieces that they’d never thought about combining! And I do have a rather ridiculous collection of clothing myself, which I always love to share!

How much time do you put into planning/preparing for a session?
Really, a lot of my client shoots are pretty spur of the moment. We chat a bit via email and I might check out their style on Facebook. If they’re looking for something specific (like theatre buffs wanting a shoot in a theatre, etc.) we talk about that, but many times they’re very trusting and kind of let me just experiment and play! When they arrive we figure out their wardrobe (usually 3-4 outfits), then head out to find the best light!

You went through a time of shooting almost 40 weddings in a year.  Do  you still shoot that much or have you changed your approach?  If you've changed your approach, why was that?
Dear God, no. I know that works for a lot of people, but I just can’t do it. I decided, while I love being with my clients, I love being with my husband more so something had to change. These days I’m really enjoying shooting more portraits (especially seniors), which I shoot Mon-Thurs. I do still cover a few weddings per year (this year there were 5), which is great for me!

How do you keep your marriage safe from the stresses of your business?
I definitely try to limit my job-related duties to weekday business hours as much as possible so that when Sam is home we can spend that time together. I think that’s made the biggest difference for us. It’s definitely been difficult at times, but keeping more regular hours really helps.

What is the best thing you've done to make your business successful?
Being myself. Letting my own style shine and my personality come through seems to attract the clients that are perfect for me, which creates a happier me and ultimately happier clients!

How do you find your perfect clients?
Word of mouth has been my best friend. Facebook photo tagging makes a huge impact too!

You have a wonderful grasp of light and texture.  What did you do to learn these techniques and applying them creatively?
Thank you! Honestly it’s a lot of trial and error, and just playing till I found what I liked. I do shoot almost exclusively with prime lenses (my top three are Sigma 28 f/1.8, Nikon 50 f/1.4, & Nikon 85 f/1.4) and pretty wide open all the time.

What do you do to keep from feeling overwhelmed?
Sometimes I just don’t. I think it’s easy for us creative types, especially, to let things get a little crazy and overwhelming. It’s important for me to just start tackling the tasks at hand and working my way through the craziness, one step at a time. I try to always remember how fortunate I am too. Not everyone has a job so amazing, flexible, creative, and fulfilling!

You arrange photographer playdates.  What made you decide to start those?  How did you get them going, find people to attend, and then keep them going strong?
I’m so lucky to have a great group of photog friends, both in KC and around the country. Some of my closest friends/studiomates, the Solars ( & I started doing Shoot Days out of our studio for local photogs to get together and network, play, ask questions, and bounce ideas off each other. They’ve really been a ton of fun!! We usually just blog/facebook about the events and provide models for the evening. Ideally we’d do them once a month, but given everyone’s crazy schedule that doesn’t always happen! Whenever they do happen, though, they’re a blast!

What is something that you think women in the industry should do?
Always value your work and learn to say no. Just because you work for yourself, don’t allow people to take advantage of you. What you do is so incredibly important and valuable!! It’s taken me a long time to learn that.

What five suggestions do you have for women who are trying to have a more whole, content, and blissful life?

1. Sleep more.
2. Play & enjoy life more by really looking around yourself.
3. Think positively and ditch the negative attitude. Your life is wonderful.
4. Eliminate the negative/toxic personalities you find in your life. That’s been a big one for me in recent years. Life’s too short to waste on people who don’t contribute positively to your life.
5. Spend more time at home with family and friends. Life is great on your own back porch!


To see more of Kelley's work:






**all images in this post copyright: Kelley of Kelly-Photo **

A little bit of sweetness: The Perry Family

Posted on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 09:13AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments3 Comments


the sweet road.

David and Danielle walked a road that included pretty amazing lives before they even met.  They both had blossoming careers.  Their lives separately were giving to the world in beautiful ways.

Together though...

it's a whole new story.

The lives that these two lead to help children orphaned by the AIDS epidemic in Africa, the sweetness they put into their own children and raising a family that looks to the heavens for guidance, and the honesty and integrity that they live by are a gift to so many people.

Over the years I've known David since before he met Danielle.  Before the filmed proposal. Before two kids.  Before becoming a dad.  He's always been amazing...accomplishing more than most people do in a lifetime.

When I'm with him and Danielle and their little family I know that for them, the good stuff is really just beginning.


beginning. LOVE.



What do you do with all that candy?

Posted on Monday, November 1, 2010 at 10:02AM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , | Comments10 Comments


it's pretty obvious.


You make a candy trail over your entire house.


obviously wonderful. LIFE.


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