love. LIFE. Hello Friends! Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out. If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page. I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!! Click here to see the new site! LOVE. LIFE. TIPS. These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here) Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here) My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago). You need this guide! Easy as Pie. Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link) Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU! And make sure to TELL A FRIEND! |
Entries in Newsflash (82)
Blog Issues.
No pictures.
Hello blog friends! I'm having some blog issues on the back end of things. I can't post pictures although I really want to! I have pictures of clients, the kids, our house, and lots more but for some weird reason I can't get them onto the place where I give them an internet address. My webmaster and I have been trying to figure it out. Thanks for you patience!
Have a great weekend!
day 2. yellowstone.

After leaving Hooper on Wednesday night we drove straight to west Yellowstone and arrived at 2:30am where we all fell into bed for five short hours of sleep after a very long and intense day.
Thursday morning we piled back into the car and headed out to see the paint pots and Old Faithful in Yellowstone. Shelby, our neighbor gave the kids travel journals When Gracie got out of the car at the paint pots she decided to write in her travel journal. She drew a picture of the fountain paint pot with it’s bubbles and wrote in her travel journal (and then asked me to translate) “Gracie loves this white place.”
The paint pots are just incredible. It’s hard to believe unless you see it. The earth just bubbles up. In some places it bubbles up mud and in some places it bubbles up and creates these gorgeous colors. The blues are my favorite. I don’t know if any one remembers Calvin and Hobbes cartoon strip by Bill Watterson but I remember loving it and looking forward to reading it every day in the paper. Now, my son, Emmett reads all of the books tht we bought back in the 90s. He loves them and laughs at Calvin’s lunacy. When we stood looking at that bubbling Fountain Paint Pot Emmet said, “This looks like a planet Calvin would dream up.” And at that very moment both Mike and I were thinking the very same thing. Funny.
We arrived at Old Faithful to find out we had just missed the geyser irrupting by about 10 mintues. The next explosion wouldn’t be for another 90 minutes or so. We decided that we were all getting a little hungry so we trailed over to the café for a bite to eat. I would NOT recommend eating there if you want something that tastes good, has good service, and has what’s on the menu actually in stock (our first choice of everything we ordered they were out of). There is another place to eat there besides the café…not sure if it’s any better or not. I did see people walking around with ice cream that looked really good, though…I would recommend filling your cooler before going through the park or planning to eat when you are in west Yellowstone. Another thing we hadn’t realized is that west Yellowstone is where all of the hotels are located. If you’re planning to stay somewhere on the east side of Yellowstone the closest place is Cody, Wyoming (and although it IS the rodeo capital of the world it didn’t look like it had a wide variety of places to stay).
We sat waiting for Old Faithful while everyone around us wondering if it really would ever go off. About 10 minutes after it predicted geysering time it exploded into the air…it really is a complete wonder the way the earth is so different in so many places of the world. How one location can have these amazing paint pots and be so hot that no one could even live near them and have a geyser that erupts every 90 minutes or so and then be surrounded by this gorgeous lake and trees and mountains and be so peaceful. In one place it seems like the earth is just rumbling and gurgling and busy. In another it’s quiet and beautiful and relaxing.
This earth and this country are so beautiful and open and wild. There are so many places that no one lives that are untamed country.
I’m not sure if Emma saw the geyser or the paint pots; she did see every flower along the way and kept asking me to take a picture of all of them. Emma is really good at being in the moment of loving whatever she is doing. When she started spinning around and singing about ‘feeling the wonderful wind’ in the middle of the trail and a bunch of people around her it was a perfect moment of who Emma is…oblivious to anything but the wonder of the moment that is right now.
Since I am Gracie’s parent of choice these days (and pretty much since the day she was born) I’m the only one that can hold her hand J . That being the case, I get a lot of cute pictures of the back of everyone else that’s in front of the two of us…
adventure. LIFE.

Packing Day!
this is it!
Ummm....this is Move It Monday. Really. I'm moving.
So...the packers are here! I can't believe it. We are actually moving. Everything is getting put into boxes as I type. Today the majority of the house is getting packed up and tomorrow the studio will be packed up. On Wednesday the truck will arrive, be filled up, and we will be on the road to South Carolina (with a bunch of stops along the way....).
So....please be patient if you're waiting for pictures, albums, etc. We've been working around the clock to get as much done for everyone as we can before we hit the road (we were up most of the night last night and went to bed just as the sun was coming up). Since the last month has been spent shooting...A LOT of sessions...I'll have to go on blogging blitz in a few weeks after I arrive in South Carolina.
If you have any questions or need to get in touch with the studio please write to or call 801.628.2893.
crazy. LIFE.
new. house. update.
loving it.
So as everyone already knows...we LOVE our builder. He sent us more pictures. Every week we all anticipate the new pictures of our house that he's going to send us. We can't get enough. Emmett constantly checks my email to see if Matt has sent us anything new. Mike prints out the pictures and shows them to everyone who is willing to sit through the picture tour of our house. Ummm...we just might be excited...maybe....
Last we heard our house is fully framed, it's been wired for electricity and it has the HVAC and plumbing done. Our tubs are in the bathrooms and the deck is on the back of the house. I love the first picture here because the back of our house where all of our wonderful forest is has windows lining the wall. It's got beautiful north light everywhere. (Perfect for taking pictures of the kids while they hang out in the kitchen with me, do homework at the table, or play games in the family room.) I love that wonderful natural light streaming in.
I am very excited about our sitting room upstairs! The view of our forest from there is one of our favorite pictures that Matt sent us. One of the many things we love about Matt is that he listened when we didn't know he was listening. We talked to each other while we were looking at plans while Matt was there and we kept saying things like: We love privacy. We don't want our neighbors to be able to see in to our house from their windows. We love the trees, we don't want to lose a single tree. We love our forested yard. Matt placed our house on our lot so that we have complete privacy from anywhere in our house. When we sit on our deck we'll only hear the chirping of birds and wind through the trees. Matt has been so aware, a great listener, and extremely patient. We're so blessed to have found him!

early registration.
sign up today.
Today is the last day for early registration for Business 101 with Davina. Early registration is $475 (after today it's $500). Click here to read more about Business 101 with Davina playshop. Call the studio at 801. 628.2893 or email to register.
It's also the last day for early registration for the playshop for moms. real. LIFE. [how to take more real moment pictures of your kids]. Early registration is $190 (after today it's $200). Click here to read more about real. LIFE [how to take more real moment pictures of your kids]. Call the studio at 801.628.2893 or email to register.
Hope to see you there!
learn. LIFE.