love. LIFE. Hello Friends! Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out. If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page. I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!! Click here to see the new site! LOVE. LIFE. TIPS. These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here) Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here) My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago). You need this guide! Easy as Pie. Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link) Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU! And make sure to TELL A FRIEND! |
Entries in Move it Monday (115)
Move it Monday: Get motivated
move it.
I've been scouring the internet trying to find ways to get my self motivated to get exercising and eat less. Just a year ago I was so motivated and completely on a roll. I ate less. I ate healthy. I walked every day. I did free weights every other day. I found reasons to be active.
Now...I'm really focused on getting my business up and running. I want to do it all of the time.
In my mind I tell myself, "you should really get outside and get some fresh air..." but I just keep on working. I'm on a mission.
I want to be on a mission to be healthy. I loved the way I felt last year. I want that back.
So here are a couple of ideas to help you get motivated if you're experiencing the same feelings.
1. Get off your butt. Get outside. Listen to the voice in your head. It will be good for you to step away from the computer. You may be surprised at what creative inspiration may come to you when you're not constantly thinking and working...oh! and it'll get your metabolism going...that would be nice....
2. Eat smaller portions. Take a little less. Leave some on your plate. It makes me feel like I'm making conscious decisions. That's a little step. That's how it started for me last year. Being conscious.
3. Measure and weigh yourself every week. It helps to know where you're at and gauge your progress or lack there of. It's not meant to depress...but to encourage and motivate.
4. Have a couple of friends that keep you honest. Someone you have to report to (thanks ladies! you've been on my mind all week and it really has helped...) so that you are accountable for what you put in your mouth and how often you get off your couch.
5. Remember that real change takes time. Losing the weight you want to weight is something that can take a year or more....and it will be worth it.
6. Think about how great you'll feel. You'll be able to walk up stairs and not feel like you may die, your knees won't hurt, you'll feel less achy, you'll sleep better, you won't feel like your gut is going to explode after going out to dinner....there are all kinds of reasons for losing weight. Everyone is different. Decide on what it is that will make it worth it for you and remind yourself of it everyday.
7. Think through your week and know when you'll be out and about and be tempted to eat something unhealthy. Make plans ahead of schedule to help you make good food choices.
So...what do you do to get and stay motivated? I'd love to hear! I need all the help I can get!
motivated. LIFE.
Move it Monday. March 1st
getting a healthy start.
I'm so excited that there are so many women wanting to get healthy! There are so many aspects to having a healthy life that reach beyond getting on the scale. For me though, getting on the scale everyday gives me a goal and something to measure each morning. A little reminder that what I'm doing is worth the trouble. I love seeing a 1/4 pound come off here and one pound come off there. It also helps me to recognize that I'm feeling better, more fit, more positive, more aware of what I'm doing to be healthy.
Here are 10 steps to better health that I found here.
Look through these and see how you're doing. Take one of these steps and incorporate it into your life this week. Better yet...pick two! (Kind of like you can at Panera...ummm...I may have good food on the brain too much...)
1. Eat a healthy breakfast (that may or may not be a bowl of Golden Grahams...)
2. Drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water everyday.
3. Take a good quality mulitvitamin/mineral supplement.
4. Connect with other people everyday...many times a day. For good health give and receive plenty 'o hugs and kisses. Talk to the people you love. Laugh.
5. Express your emotions appropriately.
6. Eat fruits and veggies. Eat the rainbow.
7. Spend at least 30 minutes outdoors.
8. Do something physically active.
9. Take some quiet time for yourself.
10. Keep regular sleep hours.
bonus: Establish a relationship with a doctor you can trust.
So what's the contest this month, you ask?
Here it is:
1. Post here every day this month. Tell us what you weigh. Yes. You read that right. Tell us what you weigh and what you'd like to weigh by the end of the year.
2. Tell us what you're doing every day from the list above to be healthy.
3. The person who is the most consistent poster here everyday in March will be the prize winner this month.
1. A $25 gift certificate to your fave place to shop!
(I'd like to have some really great prizes that inspire you to get send me an email or tell me in the comments what kinds of prizes will motivate you!)
healthy. LIFE.
Move it Monday. Chocolate and headaches.

I love chocolate.
Recently, I've wondered if chocolate has been contributing to my nonstop 24/7 headaches. I wake up every morning with a headache. I have for many years now. I've just come to the point where I live with them.
I've been to the doctor about them and they just say, "You have too much stress in your life. You need to learn how to manage your stress." I just took a year off of business, felt pretty relaxed, and for the most part didn't worry too seems like that would mean that I would have stopped waking up in the morning with headaches. Not so.
I decided that this past week I would go for a chocolate free week. This has not been easy. As many of you know, even as I've been losing weight, I treat myself every day after dinner to a little piece of Dove chocolate.
Going a week without not one piece of chocolate was a challenge...and totally NOT worth it!
I still have headaches...and they've been worse than usual.
So...I'm thinking, it's not the chocolate. Right? Please say it's not the chocolate...
I googled chocolate induced headaches and the results are inconclusive. They don't know if chocolate causes headaches. For some people chocolate may cause headaches but across the board it usually doesn't.
Some research has found that dark chocolate consumed in small portions can be good for your health and your mood...I like this research.
So...what now?
Does anyone out there suffer from daily headaches? Have you been told it's just a matter of managing your stress better? Or have you discovered other cures for you headaches?
Please help a girl out and give me your thoughts in the comments.
not so stressed. LIFE.
Move it Monday: Winner(s)
too close to call.
Over the 2009 year we had a contest every month, lost weight, gained weight, made new Move it Monday friends, had old Move it Monday friends stop in, received hints, tips, and advice, created friendships, and tried new recipes...
one thing remained the same...
Laura and Karen.
Every month they would battle it out to see who would win the contest prize. One of the two of them won about 80% of the contests.
Move it Monday began because life changes and lasting fitness and weight loss happen when you consistently make the healthy choices your body needs. I knew it was working for me and I wanted to share that with others. I also wanted to have friends that would keep me on track and keep me honest with what food I was putting in my body and help me measure how consistently I was exercising.
I knew I could count on Laura and Karen every week...and many times...every day.
Laura embodies the change that I was hoping for at the end of the Move it Monday 2009 year. She started with a lot of stress and a lot going on in all aspects of her life. Over the past year as she's exercised, journaled, and even decided to stop eating sugar she has lost weight and jean sizes. She kept going through difficult times, the loss of her father and a knee injury. She never quit and never made excuses.
The thing that I love most about her transformation is the sweet confidence, awareness, caring, and loving kindness that has replaced so much of the sadness and loss that she's experienced over the year. I've been blessed to be in touch with often via email and I've seen a butterfly come out of her cocoon. It's been beautiful. I’m in awe of the beauty that she's inspired in her own life and the lives of those around her.
I know it's not because of Move it's because of her. I'm just glad I got to witness the change.
I love Karen. She's fun. She's competitive, she finds ways to work exercise into her everyday life, and she has a talent for crazy kid jokes.
Karen has been part of every contest, every month. She's been enthusiastic, consistent, and ready to win. Karen tied with Laura on the amount of contests that she's won and in the December contest she really ramped it up and posted close to 100 corny jokes! Karen kept things light, fun, and competitive.
I'm so glad that Karen has stayed with Move it Monday. I have loved reading her comments and the funny things that she does through out her days. She's committed to eating less, journaling, and doing some type of exercise 3-4 times a week almost every week of the year.
I've come to love these two ladies and the effort they put into this past year getting their bodies back and making their health a priority. They've blessed my life and I want to bless their life.
Laura and Karen you both win the Grand Prize!
Move it Monday 2009
Grand Prize:
A Day with Davina.
All of my Insight kits
Photo Shoot: You know this is going to fun!
Thank you Karen and Laura. You are beautiful ladies!
wonderful. LIFE.
Move it Monday.
Happy New Year!
So...we have some particulars to work out as far as the year end winner for Move it Monday. If you've done the following things or even some of the things (see the list below) to win the year end prize please contact me (davina at davinafear dot com) right away! Please have all of your information from the following list to me by the end of the week (January 8th, 2010) and we'll announce the 2009 Move it Monday winner on Monday, January 11, 2010!
In the meantime, participate in our poll below. (If you get this in an rss feed you'll have to go to my blog: click here.)
To win the year end prize:
*Be the person that posts the most often on Move it Monday through out the entire year.
*Keep a journal and have at least 12 entries by the end of the year. (That's at least one per month...this is about getting some consistent habits.)
*Check in every week on Move it Monday comments.
*Get 20 minutes of exercise at least 4 days a week.
*Start eating off of smaller plates...or at least eat much smaller portions at every meal.
**The winner will receive a full day with me. It can be a Day with Davina or it can be a full day of a photo session with me. You get to choose. It will also include other goodies that we will add onto the winner's package through out the year.**
December winner:
Karen! Karen will have $100 donated to the charity of her choice. Congratulations, Karen. I had no idea of the hidden talent you possessed of silly riddles and preteen jokes. Awesome!
What do you think?
Do you want to keep having a weekly installment of Move it Monday? Tell me in the poll below: