love. LIFE. Hello Friends! Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out. If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page. I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!! Click here to see the new site! LOVE. LIFE. TIPS. These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here) Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here) My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago). You need this guide! Easy as Pie. Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link) Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU! And make sure to TELL A FRIEND! |
Entries in Move it Monday (115)
Move it Monday: Contest Revision
a little change.
So I want to really encourage everyone to get out and exercise today...and as many days this month as possible. So I have a plan.
I wanted to change thing up a little bit from the way we've been doing contests and still encourage everyone to consistently get some exercise.
So....I've changed the way you win the prize of UNO this month....
Once you've exercised at least 15 days this month you'll be on the list for a random drawing for the prize at the end of the month.'s not to late for anyone! We've still got more than 15 days in the month.
So go out and get walking, running, climbing, stair stepping today!
changed. LIFE.
Move it Monday: A winner and a new contest
photoshop skillz.
Congratulations to Karen! She won the challenge for the month of March. She will receive a $25 gift card to her favorite store.
April PRIZE:
This know you wish you had'em...photoshop skillz...
SOoooo...this month the prize is an UNO dvd (value $99) for anyone from Lauren Clark. She is the master teacher when it comes to creating works of art in photoshop from the images you shoot.
April Contest:
Just do some form of exercise least 20 solid minutes of real exercise...not "I hope I can count this as exercise" kind of exercise. But honest to goodness, sweating, fat burning, step counting, mile marker, kinds of exercise. Tell us here everyday on the weekly post what you're doing for exercise.
So...get your walking, running, jumping, climbing, bouncing, dancing, workin' it, shoes on and let's burn up this month...
leave the fat behind. LIFE.
Move it Monday: Just do it.
just do it.
I've tried complaining about the weather and all kinds of things...(see my post last week here).
I was lecturing my husband on losing weight after he made a trip to the doctor for a physical. (He told me that the doctor had suggested that losing weight may help solve his snoring problem.) I went on and on about how just eating a little less and getting out and walking for 20 minutes can change everything...and you will lose weight.
Yada. yada. yada...on and on I went. And then I realized that I need to just listen to myself. I was saying things to my husband like..."20 minutes out of your entire day is really not that much!" and other things like..."I mean who doesn't have 20 minutes to spare in their day?" and "Who can't walk in the rain for 20 minutes?" It's not THAT bad.
And that's when it finally sunk in...I've been giving myself all kinds of excuses about how I can't fit in 20 minutes. When's JUST 20 minutes! For goodness sake! I can do 20 minutes. Whatever I think is so urgent will still be here in 20 minutes.
So I made a decision. I ate less this week...and on smaller plates. I left a little food and didn't take dessert a few times. I started reminding myself that I really didn't want to feel as bad as I was going to feel if I ate that delicious homemade coldstone with reeces peanut butter cup in it........right?
And I do actually feel better. I've only lost 1/2 a pound but it feels good to be the one calling the shots.
new. LIFE.
Move it Monday: Bad weather and Exercise.
Ugh. Not again.
I think it's one of the worst ways to ruin a perfectly good intention. The night before...usually Sunday night...I once again recommit to myself that this week will be different. THIS week I will get back on track. This week I will exercise every day. This week I will eat food that will benefit my health and only when my body says to eat. This is the week I'm going to reclaim my healthy lifestyle.
And you wake up.
And it's raining.
And raining.
Not letting up.
No sunshine in site.
And the wind is blowing.
And it's a cold wind.
So what's supposed to be 60 degrees...
feels like 40 degrees.
It's cold.
It's dreary.
There's no sun.
It's raining.
You're now in no mood for walking...
now, you just want to curl up on the couch with a good book...
and a fire.
And pretend you never recommitted to yourself.
Last night.
Let's just forget about last night.
It's the morning after...and you don't want to think about it anymore.
It's raining.
So what to do when the rain wants to try and ruin everything? Tell us all in the comments. I know I want to hear!
In the mean's a little list I found:
Step 1
Hit the stairs for a quick cardio workout. Running up and down stairs, or even a few steps, is a great way to exercise during bad weather. In a mere 15 minutes, you can get a great cardio workout in your own home.
Step 2
Pop in a fitness DVD. There are so many different fitness DVDs to choose from. Having a wide variety in your collection allows you to get the perfectworkout, any day of the week. For example, you might want a low-impact workout one day and a cardio workout the next.
Step 3
Dust off your at home exercise equipment. If you love to exercise outdoors, your fitness equipment is probably covered in dust. During bad weather, take a few minutes to clean off that treadmill, and then hop on for a quick workout. In just a few minutes, you’ll get the exercise you need without having to go for a walk in the rain.
Step 4
Rethink your exercise program. Exercise doesn’t have to involve walking or lifting weights. You can actually get a great workout by simply cleaning your house. If cleaning your house doesn’t sound fun, why not dance? There are so many activities that don’t seem like exercise, but actually burn several calories.
Step 5
Head to the gym. If you don’t like the idea of exercising at home, head to the gym. The gym is a wonderful place to exercise during bad weather, because you can get a complete workout. You can spend time on the treadmill and then hit weights to tone your muscles.
real. LIFE.
Move it Monday: Resist Junk Food.
how do I resist junk food?
I love it so much. I've absolutely gotten a taste for this terrible, yummy, sugar, fat filled, tastiness. I love junk food and especially as much chocolate as possible.
So...I've been on the search for some ideas for resisting what I've come to love again.
Here's a little list I found here:
Step 1
Eliminate temptation at home. Clear out all the junk from your cupboards, and get the whole family on board for the effort.
Step 2
Lay a healthful foundation by stocking up on ingredients for nutritious meals, desserts and snacks. If you eat healthy food at home, you won't feel so bad when you splurge on an infrequent fast-food meal or candy bar.
Step 3
Set realistic expectations for yourself by remembering to practice moderation. Total deprivation will only make your cravings more intense, so allow yourself a weekly treat for cutting back.
Step 4
Identify those times of the day when you're most vulnerable to a junk-food attack. Is it that relentless 3 p.m. cookie craving? The phone call from your client-from-hell that spurs a run to McDonald's? Prepare ahead of time by having healthy, flavorful alternatives on hand--and if you still need to indulge, just have a bite or two and toss the rest. Better yet, schedule alternate activities for those times when you're most likely to face temptation.
Step 5
Choose grilled or broiled versions of foods that are typically fried. Grilled chicken sandwiches, grilled chicken and rice bowls, sandwiches with no cheese and a small amount of mayonnaise, fatfree or baked chips, water, and salads with light dressing are available at most fast-food restaurants.
Step 6
Focus on eating healthy foods. Be sure the snack foods you keep in plain sight and hidden away are all good choices. Keep a fruit basket on your kitchen counter, table or desk. If you stock the refrigerator with exclusively healthy foods, you'll eventually overcome the urge for fat and sugar-laden treats.
Step 7
Avoid situations that may encourage a junk attack, like sitting in front of the television all evening. Resist those evil vending machines at work by bringing your own healthful snacks and leaving your pocket change at home.
Step 8
Cook large quantities and put extra meals in the freezer. That way you won't be tempted to make a junk-food run on your way home from work. See 297 Plan a Week of Menus.
So what junk food are you resisting this week in exchange for healthy choices? And HOW are you doing it?
If you're struggling with something as you try to manage a more healthful life, let me know, and I'll address them here on Move it Monday.
Happy Healthy Week to you all!
junk-free. LIFE.