love. LIFE. Hello Friends! Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out. If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page. I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!! Click here to see the new site! LOVE. LIFE. TIPS. These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here) Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here) My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago). You need this guide! Easy as Pie. Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link) Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU! And make sure to TELL A FRIEND! |
Entries in LOVE. LIFE. TIPS. (42)
real. LIFE.
I was going to give a tip today that I really believe in and I know is important to loving life. Instead, I'm going to write about what is happening right now. Today. This week.
I'm in over my head. To tell the truth I have too much on my plate. I've overextended myself and I'm doing all of the things I've tried to eliminate over the past year. I'm going to bed again at 3am and I haven't journaled in a couple of days. I'm trying to manage too many things and not living my life. I'm on urgent overdrive.
It's not too late, though, to change all of it. Yes, responsiblities are bearing down but it's no reason to lose perspective just means I need to take a step back, re-evaluate, and see what needs to be reworked.
This is how I'm getting my life back today:
#1: Realize that you don't have to do it all. I love and adore Thirst Relief. I have since the moment I heard about it and got the opportunity to talk to Jim Davis-Hicks about it and came up with the idea to start a mentoring benefit to raise money for clean water around the world. This year the Benefit has gotten enormous...which is totally what we've been hoping for. We couldn't be happier. Sometimes when you start something that is a great idea you think you're the only one that can do it the way it needs to be done. This is so not true. There are always facets of a project that don't HAVE to be done by you. This is the case within your own business. Jim and I emailed back and forth and I did the unthinkable-I told him I needed help. Within minutes, he had responded that there were two people that would probably be willing to help me. Just that email alone took a huge weight off of the things that need to be done this week.
#2: Ask for help. WIth Love Affair I have been the one that has been blogging women over the last 6 months. I've had fun doing it, however, since I want to spend good time with my family before I get to the Love Affair workshop something had to give. I talked to Lauren about the stress I was feeling and she said, "Well, is there anything I can do?" Instead of just brushing off her question with a, "Oh, no, I've got it under control." I really thought about it and said, "Actually, if you could take over blogging the rest of the girls that would be a huge help to me."
#3: Remember you are human. No one expects you to be the superhero. You're probably the only one that thinks you need the super powers of 10 superheros. I'm here to tell you it's just not going to happen.
#4: Don't let the time to journal be the thing that gets pushed to the back burner. When your life gets hectic is NOT the time to lose perspective. That's exactly what will happen if you decided to start working the minute your head pops off your pillow in the morning.
#5: Things get hectic, however, you can keep your life in the midst of them. Make sure to have some down time everyday to just breathe and be grateful that you are alive. Don't go to bed a frenzied mess or you'll wake up the same way.
NOTE: This is a snapshot into (I've heard from a number people) exactly what many are living with all of the time. This is one week of my life right now. But there are things that I'm doing this week that you can apply to your life that will ease the burdens that you have. Make sure to take a step back and enjoy your life even if things seem a bit chaotic in the moment. You'll be glad you did!
enjoy. LIFE.
The two things that give me the most inspiration in my life are journaling in the morning and the shower. I don't have any idea why I get great ideas in the shower...maybe because it's actually quiet and water cleans my brain and thoughts out and leaves a place for all the new and wonderful perspectives and ideas.
The other things that opens up my life to recieve love, thoughtfulness, and clear vision is journaling. When I think back in my life about the people that inspire me so much I realize that, for the most part, they all journal. When I wake up early, during the quiet of the morning or after the kids go to school, I have a chance to read scripture, inspirational books, and write to my heart's content.
On a typical morning I will read some scripture and write any thoughts that come to me about my kids, other people that I may be able to help in some way, my marriage, and my business. It's something that centers me, helps me to gain perspective, and also gives me a chance to meditate and pray. I need this time. It's my time to get connected to myself and to the heavens. I need guidance and inspiration that draws from my strengths and taking the time each day to give my attention to that makes a difference through out the entire day. I believe that everyone needs this time everyday. No matter what or who you believe in this time is vital for you. Study whatever helps you to get back to what you value, take time to clear your mind so that you can recieve the information that you need specifically for you.
I'm also a self help junkie. I admit it. lol. I love to have one book that I'm studying to help me in my life and in my business. Right now I'm reading Siblings Without Rivalry because I'm trying to figure out how to help my kids to squabble a little less and enjoy one another a little more, as well as empower them to solve their own problems. I love to have a book that's a novel, so that I can enjoy a book just before I drift off to sleep, that doesn't suddenly spark my brain with a bunch of new ideas. RIght now I'm reading Eat. Pray. Love.
The business book I'm reading right now is Happier. It has wonderful little pieces of writing homework throughout that I love having the chance to write about.
Taking the time to write as often as possible will give you insights into your life, heart, mind, and business that you can't get from anywhere else. You need the time. I promise.
inspired. LIFE.
The Christmas Chain

Fun tradition.
Every year at the beginning of December we put together a Christmas chain. We make a list of all of the things we'd like to do together and for other people and each link gets an activity. The links count down the days until Christmas and every morning the kids race to see what well be the activity of the day and to be the first to take a link off of the chain. It's a big part of Christmas for us and the kids look forward to everyday.
So far we have:
Gone to the resuce mission twice.
Gone to a matinee movie.
Eat dinner by the tree while we watch a Christmas movie.
Make gingerbread houses
Go Christmas shopping for each other.
Play a Christmas game (we make a family Christmas game and book each year).
Go get our Christmas tree.
Decorate the Christmas tree.
Ride in the car and look at Christmas lights.
We still want to:
Take food to the Utah Food Bank.
Go ice skating.
Make toffee for school teachers.
Make a Christmas game.
Go to Salt Lake and meet up with Louis Palos and his sweet family for Temple Square lights, dinner, and hot chocolate.
Take soup to the homeless.
Make a Christmas book.
I'm going to be posting our fun gingerbread party very soon!
enjoy. LIFE.

Take a Vacation.
....a real one.
This means no cell phone, no lap top, no meetings, no business whatsoever. Just you and whoever is important to you. That's it.
I took my first real vacation this past summer for the first time in four years. I really wish I hadn't waited so long. It was wonderful and worth every minute and more of being away from my cell phone. No matter what it takes or what kind of planning...Just Do It!
Planning our vacation wasn't easy and with 6 people it's bound to be difficult. Because my son had a commitment to football when we decided to take our vacation we couldn't be gone for more than about 4 days and three nights, at the most, in a row. We wanted to do something fun but it needed to be fairly local. So we decided to have an at home vacation. These can be difficult if you are not committed to a real vacation. Here is how we did it:
1. We told everyone we were going on vacation because we were.
2. We didn't take any phone calls and left messages everywhere we could that we would be on vacation.
3. We made a list of all of the fun things that we would like to do or have wanted to do for a long time.
4. Everyone got to choose one thing that they wanted to do from the list.
5. Each day we did something that one person wanted to do.
6. We all wanted to go camping so we went on two camping trips.
7. We had a great time and went to the best swimming pool/park in the area for a whole day (I didn't take pictures of that...I need a water proof camera.)
8. Miniature golf was one evening.
9. Mike loves the nature center so we went hiking on trails and ate lunch there.
10. The Drive-In Movie was my favorite. The kids thought is was extremely cool to put our lawn chairs and air mattress on the gravel at the back of our mini van and open up the hatch on the back so we could get all the speakers loud and clear. We brought lots of pillows and blankets and pizza. At the break between movies we went and got some snacks at the very vintage looking snack area.
11. We were together doing things we all loved and sleeping in our own beds at night. Perfect all around.
Plan when you will take your next vacation right now. Get it on the calendar and then plan everything around it. Don't let anything get in your way of a little time away from everything else but those you love.
Adapt this for you:
*If you are single plan a trip with a couple of best friends or a best sibling. Keep your commitment to each other to go on vacation and leave behind your cell phones and laptops.
*JUST GO ON VACATION! No more excuses. No more reasons. No more. It will be worth it in so many ways. It ups your creativity, lowers your stress, and helps you gain a little perspective. And that just the beginning of all the good a vacation will do you. Let me know how yours goes!
Oh! and get ready for wayyy too many pictures. lol.
new. LIFE.
Just a few things you might want to know:
*when you meet an little thing that looks like a small squirrel but not quite a chipmunk, you can call it a squunk.
*if you go to a place with a hole in the ground toliet your 3 year old will probably ask you from now and forever every time she has to go to the bathroom if she will have to use a hole in the ground toliet. If you take her to a public toliet almost every time you walk into a stall she will say in a loud voice. "Oh Mom! It's not a hole in the ground toliet." And sigh in relief.
*When you make foil dinners make sure to put some water in with the potatoes so they don't charcoal.
*Playing mini-golf is a lot more fun when you take kids...who don't know the rules and don't care what they are.
*There's something about the nostalgia of the drive-in movie that takes you back to another era. If you haven't gone, find one. It's a time machine.
*You play mini golf better if you dress up like Tiger Woods.
*Vacations give you something nothing else can....GO.
The List.

The Dinners.
After the first Love. Life. Tips. post a number of people are really excited to try the idea. I thought I would help you along by posting the list of dinners that we came up with that are the kids favorites. There might be a couple I've sneakily put on there hoping that they'll pick it and find they love it. Overall, these are the typical faves of the kids. (And yes, some of them are very fattening but I'm thinking fattening at home is better than fattening at Burger King.)
Chicken Noodle Soup & Biscuits (Mike makes the best soups!)
Chicken Tacos & Mexican Rice
Homemade Mac & Cheese, fish sticks/chicken nuggets, & green beans
Shredded Beef Tacos and chips and salsa
Chicken Caesar Salad and French Bread
Fettuccine Alfredo and Raspberry/Walnut Salad
Hamburgers, hotdogs, corn on the cob, pasta salad, and chips
Chili Dogs and corn on the cob
Frito Boats and salad
Milanesa, potatoes, and salad
French Bread pizzas and chips
Spaghetti & meatballs, corn on the cob, salad, and French bread
Spaghetti, salad, and French bread
Chicken Dumplings and green beans
Stroganoff and salad
Sloppy Joe, salad, and chips
London Broil, salad, and mashed potatoes
Potato Soup and bread
Carrot Soup and bread
Pumpkin Soup in bread bowls
Lasagne, salad, and French bread
Chicken Caesar Pitas
Shredded Beef Nachos
Pot Roast, carrots, and potatoes (we use the left over pot roast for shredded beef tacos during the week)
Vanilla yogurt and strawberries (my fave!)
Cereal, milk, o.j., and toast
Pumpkin Bread
Banana muffins
Coffee Cake
Eggs with cheese
Grapefruit with toast
Fresh fruit salad with toast (our faves: strawberries, blueberries, bananas, raspberries, and blackberries)
Blueberry muffins
Fruit and bacon with toast
Bagels with cream cheese and fresh strawberries on top
Jamba juice type of smoothie and toast
Lunch. (we don't have a lot of ideas for lunch...)
Grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup
Turkey, tomato, mayo, and pepper sandwich (my fave!!!) and carrots with baked lays chips
Corn Dogs
Cabbage Salad
Veggie Sandwich with avocado, tomato, alfalfa sprouts, and cucumbers
Chicken salad lettuce wrap
Chips and salsa
Chips and Bean Dip
Rice Crispy Treat
Pudding Pops
Cheese crisp
Carmel popcorn
Cinnamon Toast
Cheese and crackers
Peanut Butter and Crackers
Peanuts and Almonds
Yogurt pretzels
String Cheese
Veggie Tray
Yogurt Parfait (vanilla yogurt, strawberries, and a tablespoon of granola)
Apples and peanut butter
Pineapple chunks
Mandarin Oranges
Fruit juice popsicle
Fruit smoothie you can see our lists and calendar are nothing special. In fact, they're a total mess. We usually make a plan for dinners about 10 days in advance. We'll sit down one day right after school and I'll just ask everyone what they want for dinner next week on their day. I put it on the calendar. Then the kids pull it out when they are eating snack and smear peanut butter across it. Doesn't matter...we have a plan!
Hope this helps you get your own list started and get your dinner time back in a meaningful way!