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Entries in G & G (97)
Tigers Football: Champs 2009
hard work every day.
Emmett's team started practicing in August and didn't stop working everyday even once it got dark. The night I went out to photograph the boys' practice it was so cold. Still, the boys didn't complain. While my fingers froze they ran patterns and plays.
The long and hot 100 degree practices in August all the way to the 30 degree freezing practices in November paid off when the Tigers won the 2009 Clover Football Championship!
Congratulations Tigers!
To see images click here: Clover Tigers Pictures
(you'll need to sign in and enter the password to see images)
game. LIFE.
I LOVE: Emma and Locks of LOVE.
some kind of wonderful.
Last night as I laid in bed with Emma chatting about her day, she told me that she wanted to cut all of her hair off for Locks of LOVE. I was not ready for this! I love her long hair. At the same time, I knew how much she loves her long hair. She wanted me to get up right then and there, at 10pm and cut it all off. I told her maybe she could get up in the morning, wash her hair, and then we'd see about cutting it before school...if there was time.
This morning she was the first one out of bed, showered, and waiting in the kitchen for me to cut off her long locks for love.
She has short hair now...and I love her all the more for it...
fearless. LOVE.
good candy.
So...I say finally because Halloween really did not pass my kids up...although from their perspective I think they were sure it would because it took all day to get around to being here.
We finally got out of the driveway and...went door to door asking for candy.
We kept calling Emmett, who was out with his friends, and asking him if he'd been to Machete Man's house. Machete Man is the neighborhood legend. Last year their house was decked out in cannibal style, complete with a cannibal man and his machete, ready to eat any kid who came too close. His wife stood by him and in cannibal language ('ughs' and 'ummphs') bid kids come and brave getting close enough for candy to Machete Man. He had a table with king size candy bars on it and those plastic bloody fingers. He would scoop up the king size candy bar with his machete and give it to kids. The whole house had lights and music. These neighbors really get into a theme for trick-or-treating. So...naturally, we wanted an update as soon as Emmett had gone to the legendary house. I mean...really....what kid doesn't want to brave the Machete Man and his cannibal tribe for a king size candy bar.
About 3/4 of the way through trick-or-treating the clouds broke and it rained cats and dogs. We were soaked to the bone in less than a minute. Crazy. Gracie was done. She wanted to go home. Mike raced back to the house a mile away, ran through the woods, scraped up his legs, got the car, and rescued sweet Grace.
The kids and I stayed out for a little while longer and then lights started turning off. We came home, took warm baths, and did what all kids do...Counted the loot.
Waiting to trick-or-treat.
I don't know if there is another time of the year that is more highly anticipated for my kids than the moment that magically chimes the free-for-all-door-to-door-candy-walk-a-thon. My kids think that half the year passes every one minute that leads up to the first sighting of a trick-or-treater. This sighting means that we need to be out the door 5 minutes the very least.
They try to keep themselves busy in the middle of the "can we go now?!!" and the "when are we leaving?!" and "all of the candy is going to be gone!". You would think that somehow Halloween was going to pass with out them.
This reading moment of Miriam's lasted all of about 2 minutes before the barage of questions about when would we EVER leave to go trick or treating??? started up again...
I have a feeling your kids sit quietly on the couch with their hands in their laps patiently waiting for the clock to strike "TIME TO TRICK OR TREAT." And then they very passively walk to the door and begin their trick or treating. All the while remaining calm. Or maybe not. Maybe they are just like my kids and act like they are caged animals...
putting on their costume the moment they wake up.
are we going trick or treating now?
oh man. (takes costume off)
puts costume back on a little while later.
are we leaving yet?
geez. (wears costume for a little while and I find it peeled off in the driveway)
costume is magically back on again
WHEN are we GOING trick or TREATING?
not yet.
hat from costume is on
will we be leaving soon?
in about 5 hours.
and so the day goes.....
Finally, the costume is back on for the umpteenth time.
Mom and Dad, we HAVE to leave!!!
And before I can say another word...
they all bust out the door, running to the neighbors to be the first to ring the doorbell, with me yelling behind them, make sure to say thank you!!
I think Halloween should always be on a school day...
funny. LIFE.